Work of Sam Mudd

Work of Sam Mudd

Sam Mudd – Artist Statement:

Sam Anthony Mudd (b.1991) is a self-taught artist operating in the North East of England.

His portfolio largely consists of digital art; however in recent years he has experimented with mediums such as painting with black ink, drawing with charcoal and monotype printing – all of which have helped to broaden his horizons. His work can best be described as being abstract in construction whilst maintaining a therapeutic sensibility.

In terms of inspiration, the work he produces is largely reflective of his own existential musings and personal struggles. He is on the autistic spectrum (diagnosed as ‘High-Functioning’ in 1995) and has a prolonged history of social anxiety and clinical depression (both conditions diagnosed in 2006), all of which have provided foundations for the majority of his work.

Whilst the inspirations behind his works are normally explained in great detail through the artist’s own statements, he invites people to take in what’s being presented and compose a meaning that makes sense to them.

He has previously exhibited work at Hoults Yard, the Newcastle Central Library and most recently at Shieldfield Art Works (formerly known as The Holy Biscuit) with support from Arts Council England.

This particular exhibition consists mostly of previously showcased digital works which were originally prepared for his 2019 exhibitions with the inclusion of one bonus digital art piece, ‘FORETHOUGHT 2020: Perfect Edition’.

There will also be copies of Sam’s 2016 publication ‘You Need This’ available to view and purchase during his exhibition.